Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Under Age Essay example - 605 Words

Eighteen year old people should be allowed to drink alcohol. When our 18th birthday roles around we become of legal age. We sign for the draft and become eligible to fight for our country. Its possible now to be charged as an adult and spend life in prison and we can now purchase tobacco products and all other drug paraphernalia. I cant drink beer though, I must wait till my 21st birthday. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;As a teenager who recently turned 18 and is now of legal age my point is valid. Underage drinking becomes more of a problem day by day and we cant seem to stop it. Liquor stores check Id’s and underage kids still seem to be able to get their hands on liquor and beer. If a fake I.D does not work then an older sibling, friend†¦show more content†¦As much as we would like to stop this problem, we can’t. The only way to stop this problem is by lowering the drinking age. Many fear that the problem will heighten and become uncontrollable. However, I disagree in a sense where kids will become more responsible and not have to hide their habits and break the law to enjoy a fun-filled night. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The age of 18 just seems more reasonable. As we turn 18 we become legal adults who have access to all that is out there, except alcohol. Are the effects worse after drinking liquor when your underage rather than 21? Absolutely not. Regardless of your age alcohol will still get you drunk, therefore, a legal adult should be able to consume alcohol. Yes, kids tend to drink to get drunk and not casually drink but if you think about it economically liquor stores will benefit greatly. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Is underage drinking truly that bad? Would the government rather see us with a beer in my hand or a joint? As legal adults we can enter bars, clubs, and other areas where liquor is served but unfortunately cannot join the atmosphere in its drinking stage. There is no reason for this. No, I’m not an alcoholic or either is half the kids that like to get drunk at college parties or even on weekend nights. Yes, we are young, but we are considered legal adults as well. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Adults by nature can drink liquor freely. Eighteen year olds should be allowed to consume liquor. The termShow MoreRelatedThe Themes Listed Under Functional Age1294 Words   |  6 PagesResearch and Analysis The research analysis will now discuss the themes listed under functional age. It will elaborate on how biological, psychological and sociological factors contribute towards describing the definition of what it is to be old. As stated in my introduction, functional age has advantages over chronological age by better measuring the capabilities of an individual. 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