Friday, December 27, 2019

The reliability of eyewitness testimony has become a...

The reliability of eyewitness testimony has become a popular research topic in applied and social psychology since Loftus and Palmer’s study in 1974 (see Steblay, 1997; Wright Loftus, 1998; Deffenbacher, Bornstein, Penrod, McGorty, for reviews). Participants viewed videos or slides of traffic accidents (Loftus Palmer, 1974) or a criminal act (Roediger, Jacoby, McDermott, 1996; Cutler, Penrod, Martens, 1987) and afterwards were asked several questions about what they had just seen. The manipulation in studies was that the researchers did not ask the same question to all participant, but instead changed the wording of one critical detail in the question. In Loftus and Palmer’s study, some of the subjects were asked â€Å"About how fast†¦show more content†¦However, â€Å"discussion among victims or witnesses to a crime is difficult, if not impossible to prevent’’ (Yarmey, 1992, p. 252). The concern that witnesses might talk to each other has been confirmed by a survey conducted in Australia (Paterson Kemp, 2006). They found that if the respondent had witnessed a serious event and there was a co-witness present, 86% of the respondents had discussed the witnessed event together, of which 63% percent had done so immediately after the witnessed event. In another survey by Paterson and Kemp (2005), police officers confirmed the observation that co-witnesses frequently discuss the witnessed event together, and also indicated that such discussions are difficult to prevent. Discussion between eyewitnesses seems inevitable, and several researchers have emphasized the negative effects of discussion on group memory, such as memory distortion, (Basden, Basden, Bryner, Thomas 1997; Weldon, Bellinger, 1997), or memory conformity (Wright Schwartz, 2008; French, Garry, Mori, 2008) that occurs due to the group process. Whereas the first refers to the effect that an individual’s memory is altered by new information, the secon d refers to the phenomenon of someone’s memory being altered as a result of the influence of other people’s memories On the other hand, little research has been conducted regarding the possible positive effects of discussion on eyewitness memory recall.Show MoreRelatedCatherine Malasa2300 Words   |  10 PagesCHRESO UNIVERSITY DISTANCE EDUCATION NAME OF SCHOOL: FACULTY OFBUSINESS, HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT: SOCIAL SCIENCES COMPUTER NO: PROGRAM: BARCHELAR of SCIENCE IN ECONOMICS COURSE CODE: PSY 501 LECTURER: SIKABELE CHIKUBA STUDENT: CATHERINE MALASA SEMESTER: 1ST SEMESTER 1ST YEAR ASSIGNMENT: NO 1 DUE DATE:Read MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pagesby Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, California USA in 1993 with ISBN number 0-534-17688-7. When Wadsworth decided no longer to print the book, they returned their publishing rights to the original author, Bradley Dowden. The current version has been significantly revised. If you would like to suggest changes to the text, the author would appreciate your writing to him at iv Praise Comments on the earlier 1993 edition, published by Wadsworth Publishing Company, which

Thursday, December 19, 2019

A Rose For Emily By William Golding - 1207 Words

Throughout many stories, they all have one main subject in common. They all use symbolization to gain the attention of the audience. In the novel, â€Å"A Rose for Emily,† has many different types of symbolizations throughout the novel. There are many different reasons why authors’ use symbolization. Symbolization can be defined as an item that has meaning behind the visual meaning. The item might represent heart break, death, or even love. There is more meaning hidden behind the image that has been expressed. Symbolism can be used in different forms. Usually, it is an item that is representing another to give it a completely different meaning that is much deeper and more significant than it suspects to have. However, many symbol’s†¦show more content†¦After her father’s death Emily was unable to get gentlemen’s attention. It was too late for her to start her own life. Then Homer Barron came into town and Emily fell in love. Her and Homer started to have an intimate relationship. Miss Emily, bought arsenic and killed Homer. The town’s people started to get subspecies because Homer Barron disappeared. The town’s people suspects that Miss Emily has a part in the disappearance of Homer. In conclusion, there was a horrible, disgusting smell that was coming from Miss Emily’s house that caught the town’s peoples’ attention. They found Miss Emily’s body dead, also she died before the town’s people were able to get the taxes that Miss Emily owed. When they open one of the doors to a room, they found the remaining’s of Homer Barron on the bed. One the other side of the bed there was a lump like someone was sleeping there, and they found a grey hair which belonged to Miss Emily on the pillow next to the corpse. Section Two: Symbolization (Rose) One main symbolization in the novel â€Å"A Rose for Emily,† is the rose. Throughout the entire story it never mentions an actual rose for Emily, however, the title of the novel is a huge symbolic. The rose corresponds to the significance of love since

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Porters Diamond free essay sample

Competitive advantage of nations have been the outcome of four interlinked advanced factors and activities: these interrelated links Factors for Competitive Advantage for the countries or regions in Porter’s Diamond are as follows: 1 Factor conditions such as skilled labor, land, natural resources, capital and infrastructure. Porter argues that the key factors of production (or specialized factors) are created, not inherited. Specialized factors of production are skilled labor, capital and infrastructure. Non-key factors or general use factors, such as unskilled labor and raw materials, can be obtained by any company and, hence, do not generate sustained competitive advantage. However, specialized factors involve heavy, sustained investment. They are more difficult to duplicate. This leads to a competitive advantage, because if other firms cannot easily duplicate these factors, they are valuable 2 Demand conditions Porter argues that a sophisticated domestic market is an important element to producing competitiveness. Firms that face a sophisticated domestic market are likely to sell superior products because the market demands high quality and a close proximity to such consumers enables the firm to better understand the needs and desires of the customers . We will write a custom essay sample on Porters Diamond or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 3 Related and supporting industries -Porter also argues that a set of strong related and supporting industries is important to the competitiveness of firms. This includes suppliers and related industries. This usually occurs at a regional level as opposed to a national level. 4 Firm strategy, structure and rivalry conditions for organization of companies, and the nature of domestic rivalry. The structure and management systems of firms in different countries can potentially affect competitiveness. Likewise, if rivalry in the domestic market is very fierce, companies may build up capabilities that can act as competitive advantages on a global scale. Home markets with less rivalry may therefore be counterproductive, and act as a barrier in the generating of global competitive advantages such as innovation and development.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Natural Born Killers Essays - Films, , Term Papers

Natural Born Killers John Byers Ideology is an ever-present factor in our everyday lives. A good amount of the information we receive is tainted by ideological values. These values, unique to the source of the information are windows or reinforcements on their standings regarding any number of topics. When we receive the information at hand it is then subject our own individual ideological beliefs and values that we hold true. Ideology in film is such a powerful factor that in my opinion it is the biggest factor that should be consider when analyzing the information of the film. When it comes down to it film is a direct result of what someone is ?showing? you. What that person is ?showing? you is what they want you to see and what they don't want you to see, tainted by their own ideological standings. Oliver Stone's explicit left-wing film Natural Born Killers uses ideologies as an underlying theme being examined by the bi-polar categories of Relative versus Absolute, Secular versus Religious, and Outsiders versus Insiders. In this paper I hope to dissect and explain the bi-polar categories regarding ideology. In the film Natural Born Killers Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis are Mickey Knox and Mallory Wilson, two young, attractive mass murderers in love in Stone's wild-eyed satire on the American fascination with criminals. After killing Mallory's loathsome parents, the pair perform a ritual marriage and take off on a honeymoon killing spree that wipes out 52 people pursued by a bad cop just as criminal. Bloodthirsty t.v. reporter Wayne Gale (Robert Downey Jr.) reports their every move to an adoring public. While warden Dwight McClusky (Tommy Lee Jones) is only too eager to welcome such celebrities to his prison for his own gain. The underlying ideological expression of Stone i n this film is what I thought made it so powerful. Comparing the bi-polar category of Relative versus absolute and the film I come away as seeing it as a left-wing approach. Mickey Knox feels a just in his actions because he sees moral values as merely social conventions. He does this by asking the question, what's the difference between animals killing each other, us killing animals and him killing others. In the film Mickey says the line ? a lot of people are already dead, there just waitin' for their time to come, I'm that time? an backs this up using examples of the animal kingdom. Who has the right to kill and how they exercise that power is another ever present thought. Mickey's view is that media is the real demon by exploiting all the death and destruction. This film also examines the good guy (bad cop) and just how good is that person himself. In comparing the film to the bi-polar category of Secular versus Religious I see it as a left-wing secular approach. Stone' attacks general religious beliefs by showing the contradictions within itself and showing them as just social intuitions. The film portrays Mickey as the angel of death in dialogue mention and comparison throughout the film. Stone goes as far to give him a red and black supped up mustang. Stone non-verbally conveys black representing death, red representing evil, and the mustang car representing the red horse in which the angel of death rode. The point of killing being accepted on ancient religion and looked down upon in most situations in modern religion is brought up. Also he shows religion as a controlling factor by saying it is wrong to kill and then killing for ones religion and country is honorable. The use of the bi-polar category of Outsider versus Insider is a dead giveaway in this film. Left wing in that romanticizes the rebels/outsiders (Mickey and Mallory) in putting them in the role of the protagonist. Most people would be disgusted with the behavior these two have, but in the way we are shown their story we ultimately side with them. Ideology in film is such a powerful factor that in my opinion it is the biggest factor that should be consider when analyzing the information of the film. Using ideology values and elements Oliver Stone was able to create a great film. I had to watch it multiple

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Situational Leadership Style

Introduction Leadership is described as the ability to motivate and make possible for others to realize shared goals. In the last century, several leadership styles and theories were formulated and analyzed (Bass Riggio, 2006). Currently, there is no single theory that is perfectly suited for all circumstances.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Situational Leadership Style specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Notably, the basic principles of leadership such as inspiring and directing others to realize shared goals underwent through little changes in the past decades. However, leadership context, complexity, and diversity in institutions progressed immensely in the last century (Bass Riggio, 2006). For situational leadership theory, leaders are required to exhibit unique leadership styles in different circumstances. Owing to its inherent flexibility, the advantages associated with this leadership theory overshadow its disadvantages. As such, this leadership theory is valid for both micro and macro economies and flexible to supporters at different expansion stages. This paper focuses on situational leadership style. In the paper, a brief overview, strengths, and weakness of the theory are highlighted. A brief overview of the theory Hersey and Blanchard formulated this type of leadership style in the year 1969 (Bass Riggio, 2006). This type of leadership was formulated with the help of Reddin’s 3-D management style theory. According to the two experts, the major responsibility of any situational leader is to become accustomed to their individual leadership style and satisfy the followers’ needs. To achieve the above, a situational leader should identify precisely the abilities and enthusiasms levels of his or her followers and lay down tasks, which are suitable with followers’ enthusiasms and abilities. With this leadership model, managers can choose from four leadership appr oaches. These approaches are characterised by combinations of task and relationship behaviour. The situational leadership approach model categorizes a mixture of task and relationship behaviors into four quadrants. A dissimilar leadership method is required in each quadrant. In the first quadrant, high task and low relationship, the telling style is very commanding since the manager creates many contributions and least amount of relationship behavior. Therefore, an autocratic leader would best depict this quadrant. In the second quadrant, high task and high relationship, the selling approach is also very commanding, however in a more influential behavior. Through this approach, the leader can offer substantial contributions towards task success and give emphasis to human relations.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the third quadrant, high relationship and low task, less co mmands and more collaboration between the managers and the supporters’ styles are eminent. The advice-giving and agreement subtypes of participative leaders are best depicted in this quadrant. In the fourth quadrant, low relationship and low task, the manager hands over accountability for a chore to a supporter and he or she is just kept informed of the advancement. As such, task behaviour entails employing one way of communication, delegating duties, and informing followers what is expected from them. Effective managers should know when to employ a high degree of task behaviour and when to employ a moderate degree of task behaviour depending on the circumstances (Bass Riggio, 2006). On the other hand, relationship behaviour requires a manager to employ two-way communication, listen, encourage, and involve supporters in decision-making processes. Just like in the task behaviour, effective managers should know when to employ a high degree of relationship behaviour and when to employ a moderate degree of relationship behaviour depending on the prevailing circumstances (Bass Riggio, 2006). As noted above, situational leadership style can be illustrated using four-squared matrix with distinctive phases. Based on this type of leadership style, an effective manager should be able to equalize the amount of direction given to building relationships, for the reason that individuals’ abilities and inspirations vary with time. For instance, a situational leader ought to equalize high technology and high touch to match with vibrant times. As such, they should be passionate, honest, effective communicators, and possess appropriate judgment capabilities. Equally, situational Leadership style requires leaders to be flexible and be able to become accustomed to different situations and characters. Strengths of situational leadership The basic strengths of this type of leadership style are that it is authoritative and flexible in nature (Srivastava, 2003). This implies that situational leadership style can indicate to the manager what to do under different circumstances and characters. For leaders, knowing who will perform a particular task and when it will be performed is very crucial for smooth operations. Given that leadership involves changes, this type of leadership style is suitable to varying situations. Usually, external and internal forces lead individuals, teams, and objectives vary.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Situational Leadership Style specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this regard, effective situational leaders should be able to tackle and respond to any kind of change. This implies that unlike other leadership styles, situational leadership style is distinct, applicable, and rational. For example, a new team member might exhibit great interest towards the project; however, he may not be perfectly skilled for the project. Such a member will require appropriate guidelines during his earlier days in the project. With time, the individual will master the project requirements hence little or no direction will be required. As time progresses, more motivation will be helpful when the individual develops some boredom towards the project as the task becomes monotonous and unchallenging. During this time, situational leaders should be able to re-evaluate task and relationship balances and implement appropriate direction and support. Another advantage of situational leadership style is that it is prescriptive (Srivastava, 2003). However, it should be noted that it is flexible enough to allow individuals to equalize the amount of direction with the support followers require based on their abilities and enthusiasms. As such, this type of leadership style acknowledges the uniqueness that exists among team members. In addition, situational leadership does not only values supporter’s strengths but also fosters and strives to improve o n his or her weakness. Currently, diversity in our institutions and societies requires leaders to adopt the 21st century’s methods of situational leadership approaches. Equally, the diversity has augmented and reinforced the groups. Additionally, situational leadership necessitates the leaders to be involved and understand the production and workers facets of the process for them to become accustomed to their individual behaviours. If a leader adopts situational leadership, he or she will be in touch with both the goal and the supporters seeking this goal. In this regard, it can be argued that situational leadership enhances connections. In addition, this type of leadership style has tolerated reasonable test of time. For instance, over the last five decades the model has been applied in several sectors such as military, businesses organisations, and educational setups. In most of these contexts, the model has been accepted and is currently being utilized to address several c hallenges (Bass Riggio, 2006). The incidental nature of situational leadership style is that it mandates leaders to adapt their own conduct whenever the circumstances vary. Every time the relation between the supporters and the tasks vary, this type of leadership style enables the leaders to readjust their behaviours and acts to satisfy the new state of affairs. Therefore, if a leader applies the approach in consecutive estimates, he or she will be able to re-examine the extent of supervision and help the supporters require all through the continuum.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The shortcomings of situational leadership One major disadvantage of this type of leadership style is that it necessitates sound judgments with regard to task’s acquaintance and human evaluation (Srivastava, 2003). In this regard, it should be noted that not all individuals possess the visualization, spirit, insight, power, persistence, or luck to lead in every circumstance regardless of their characters, abilities, or style. Therefore, wrong detection of the supporters’ abilities and enthusiasms to complete a specific chore may interrupt the team’s development and demoralize the followers’ sense of worth. Equally, undervaluing or overvaluing of the team’s enthusiasms or abilities is unfavourable to goal realization of the goal. On the other hand, if a leader misdiagnoses the readiness and loyalty of several team associates if could result in project breakdown. This implies that an effective situational leader should be educated appropriately in co gnitive and psychosocial expansion hypothesis and be vigilant to dissimilarities that exist among follower because of pressures from sex, age, educational and ethnic uniqueness. Similarly, situational leadership style necessitates the managers to have comprehensive knowledge of intellectual and developmental level of their supporters. In addition, the leadership style does not tackle crucial details such as the multifaceted factors affecting motivation. The model lacks appropriate tools for the managers to identify a group’s task skill or communal enthusiasms. In this context, It is not possible for a manager to be acquainted with all the members of bigger the groups and subsequently analyse the followers’ recommendations since the supporters’ behaviours are based on fewer personal information. In this regard, situational leadership is appropriately appropriate for small groups rather than big groups in a large institution. Since its development, situational lea dership style has been adopted by various organizations, numerous supporters, and by a variety of managers, with varying achievements. Despite this success, it should be noted that s few official researches have been carried out to ascertain the effectiveness of this leadership model compared to other leadership models (Bass Riggio, 2006). A last shortcoming associated with this style of leadership relates to the inherent prejudice in the leadership surveys that support the model (Srivastava, 2003). The queries in the survey hinder the interviewee from selecting an appropriate answer that supports the leadership style. However, despite these weaknesses it should be acknowledged that the situational leadership model is a helpful tool when adopted correctly. Conclusion In conclusion, there are four distinct types of situational leadership styles. These are directing, coaching, supporting, and delegating. Similarly, situational leadership can be generalized into three steps. These ste ps are identifying the crucial tasks, diagnosing members’ readiness level, and settling on matching leadership style. As illustrated above, the situational leadership model symbolizes an agreement of thinking about leadership behavior relative to group members. This leadership theory is valid for both micro and macro economies and flexible to supporters at different stages (Bass Riggio, 2006). Similarly, As such, skilled individuals require less specific direction compared to less skilled individuals. The model is helpful since it bases its principles on other details of leadership that give emphasis to the role of task and relationship behaviors. Because of this, it has demonstrated to be an effective basis of leadership training. Equally, the situational leadership approach supports common sense. Because of this, it is instinctively attractive. Leaders can gain from this model if they try to assess the willingness of their supporters before deciding on the appropriate lead ership style. In general, the model allows leaders to become accustomed to their individual leadership style and satisfy the followers’ needs. In spite of its impressive advantages, it should be noted that this leadership style has its shortcomings (Bass Riggio, 2006). For instance, situational leadership style necessitates sound judgments with regard to task’s knowledge and human evaluation. In this regard, it should be noted that not all individuals possess the visualization, spirit, insight, power, persistence, or luck to lead in every circumstance regardless of their characters, abilities, or style. Therefore, wrong detection of the supporters’ abilities and enthusiasms to complete a specific chore may interrupt the team’s development and demoralize the followers’ sense of worth. Equally, the leadership style lacks appropriate tools for the managers to identify a group’s task skill or communal enthusiasms. In this context, It is impossi ble for a manager to be acquainted with all the members of bigger the groups and subsequently analyze the followers’ recommendations since the supporters’ behaviours are based on fewer personal information. References Bass, B. M., Riggio, R. E. (2006). Transformational leadership (2nd ed.). Mahwah, N.J.: L . Erlbaum Associates. Srivastava, M. K. (2003). Transformational leadership. New Delhi: Macmillan India. This essay on Situational Leadership Style was written and submitted by user Elle Wood to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

My Monologue Work Essays - Derek, Fiction, Television, Business

My Monologue Work Essays - Derek, Fiction, Television, Business My Monologue Work Who Am I? The character I play (Roxy) seems like young lady roughly 25/26 years of age. She's been dating Derek for roughly 10 months and 22 days as mentioned in the play. The reason why I believe she is around that age is because she indicates that she is ready for whole commitment and marriage. Roxy seems like has everything in her life well put together in comparison to boyfriend (Derek) seems like he's much more immature and still must work on this in order to maintain a strong relationship with my character. My character Roxy seems like she's a bit too mature for spending the day at the theme park and dislikes rollercoasters. It may because she has decent job with other hobbies such as reading, and keeping an agenda of her overall day. My character gives of a feeling of a strong independent women ready to settle down and is looking for something serious in her partner. What are my circumstances? The play seems like its takes place during the summer specifically June/July. It takes place in a theme park with pre-teens and teenagers surrounding them during the ride, in the line waiting for the ride and around the theme park. This represents more of a laid back and being young type of vibe/atmosphere. The dialogues in the play my character uses to express her concerns of her boyfriend lacking maturity and the image of needing to grow up. In terms of my character's circumstances I can only assume that she seems as if she has recently just found out something about Derek seeing other woman or flirting with other women. What are my Relationships? The only person mentioned in this monologue is her boyfriend Derek. Derek seems like he used to be really important to my character in the beginning when they had first started dating however now it seems like she has lost interests and wants to move on with someone more serious. Derek character in my monologue gives of more of a laidback, chill and immature at times. However, he perceives his girlfriend Roxy my character as a woman who is serious about this relationship and wants to settle down which is why he decided to propose to her after she had vented to him on the rollercoaster. What Do I want? If I were to write the end of the scene I would defiantly end the scene differently. I would the scene of my character rejected the proposal. Reason being, my character seems like she's been tired of Derek playing games for at least the last few months till the event taking place on the rollercoaster. I believe if she accepts the proposal she will later on regret it because who knows Derek might go back to his old habits. In the monologue Derek, doesn't even seem to defend his actions as to why he's been "bumping cars" as Roxy vents to him. If he defended his actions I wouldn't have changed the ending scene but that is not case for this monologue. What are my obstacles? My obstacles for performing my monologue is being able to continue to say my dialogues while acting as if I am on a rollercoaster through-out the entire play. The conflict for me is psychologically I tend to forget my lines when everyone is watching. What do I do to get what I want? My behaviour for this play is the feeling of being emotionally abused by Derek. My tactics are to create urge Derek to tell me where this relationship is going.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Modern Utilitarianism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Modern Utilitarianism - Essay Example The answers she created enemies and friends for her and answers that saved the birds. Carson gave the cause of the decrease in the number of birds as the strong synthetic insecticides. These insecticides, like dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), in the form of dusts, sprays, and aerosols were affecting the food chains. The insecticides achieved this by poisoning the food chain from insects to the top. The chemicals were not only harmful to the insects but to the humans as well. They caused cancer and liver tumors. This led to the banning of the DDT insecticides and consequently saving a huge number of birds. However, the companies that were producing the insecticides underwent loss hence viewing Carson as a foe (Minteer 169). Her encouragement and message that man needs to act in moderation for him to achieve an equilibrium with nature led to a number of legislations by the federal on utilitarian conservation of the environment. One of these acts legislations was the clean air act . This act, which has undergone a number of amendments, required the Environmental Protection agency to make and enforce laws that protect humans from airborne chemicals and contaminants that are dangerous to human health (Minteer 169). The Wilderness Act passed in 1964 created a legal description of the wilderness in the US. It protected around nine million acres of federal land. This act preserved the wilderness and hence the animals in it. The Clean Water Act was passed in the year 1972. This acts main aim was to protect the waters of the land from pollution by doing away with the release of large amounts of poisonous substances into the water. This act not only... As the report stresses  the only person who had the exact answer to the question that no one was sure about the answer was Rachel Carson. This biologist had taken time to complete the book that would provide answers to the question of the decreasing number of birds. The answers she created enemies and friends for her and answers that saved the birds. Carson gave the cause of the decrease in the number of birds as the strong synthetic insecticides. These insecticides, like dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), in the form of dusts, sprays, and aerosols were affecting the food chains. The insecticides achieved this by poisoning the food chain from insects to the top. The chemicals were not only harmful to the insects but to the humans as well. They caused cancer and liver tumors. This led to the banning of the DDT insecticides and consequently saving a huge number of birds. However, the companies that were producing the insecticides underwent loss hence viewing Carson as a foe.From the discussion it is clear that  the Wilderness Act passed in 1964 created a legal description of the wilderness in the US. It protected around nine million acres of federal land. This act preserved the wilderness and hence the animals in it. The Clean Water Act was passed in the year 1972. This acts main aim was to protect the waters of the land from pollution by doing away with the release of large amounts of poisonous substances into the water. This act not only made safe the water that human beings consumed but also the fish they ate.